Words cannot express how much I appreciate all of your help with getting (my child) the help he needed!…Thank God you knew what to do… Many, many, many thanks for helping us. Once again, it’s Dr. Mark Su to the rescue!!!…

I trust you completely.

I also want to thank you, again, for helping me through such a difficult time. Having a doctor that is not only competent but compassionate too, made my life easier. So thank you.

Thanks so much for taking care of that for me. It’s a huge weight off my shoulders. Everyone would be fortunate to have a PCP as kind and thoughtful as you.

You have wonderful reputation in the community!… It is wonderful that someone in your capacity is dedicated to taking the time to treat patients as individuals. Sadly, I don’t think many of us expect this any more. And I imagine it must be frustrating as a busy physician not to have the time resources to give when you obviously care so much.

“Thanks for always being in my corner!”

So cool, never could talk nutrition/workout stuff with my past Doctors.

Again, thank you for this e-mail and your continued concern is welcomed and appreciated… I appreciate your responses and I appreciate you working hard for us.

I can’t express my appreciation for your assurance and willingness to work with me and other modalities and practitioners.

Dear Dr. Su, I just wanted to let you know what a pleasure it was having you for my primary care physician. You were always smiling, you took all the time that was necessary every time I came in and you spoke to me as if you realized there was an intelligent human being in front of you who had a perfect right to ask questions and participate in the process of wellness care. From Florida, with warm greetings, the best to you and your family!

Some people give because they think they have to, but when you give, I always know it comes from your heart. You have no idea how much you have helped me! You really gave me hope. I so appreciate all your emails in particular – I feel very grateful.

“Your support has meant so much to (my daughter), and to me. She is a time-consuming and frustrating ‘case’, although she is also a rewarding person to deal with! I don’t know how to thank you enough. You are very detail-oriented and thorough, but you also always manage to have that simplifying overview, ‘seeing the forest’ not just the trees. Thanks again for giving her so much time.